Virginia Fonseca Opens Up About Differences in Current Pregnancy and Previous Ones
Influencer Virginia Fonseca has been sharing details about her third pregnancy with Zay Felipe on social media, including the unique experiences she had compared to her previous pregnancies with daughters Maria Alice (2) and Maria Flor (1). Have talked about some things. Let us delve into the details of his journey and the differences he observed along the way.
Virginia Fonseca Pregnancy Evolution
As Virginia awaits the arrival of her first son, Jose Leonardo, she is getting candid about the differences she’s noticed between her current pregnancy and her previous one. From mood changes to cravings, she is documenting it all for her followers.
Mood Swings and Irritations During the Pregnancy
Virginia recently shared how she often gets in a bad mood and feels easily irritable. Many of his followers echoed his experience, sharing similar tales. It highlights the emotional rollercoaster that pregnancy can often be.
Why do cravings and weight gain occur during pregnancy?
One notable difference that Virginia has noticed includes her appetite and weight gain during this pregnancy. She expressed concern over her weight gain of 5 kg in just one month, whereas her weight during her previous pregnancy was 8–12 kg. She attributes this to increased cravings and speculates whether it is due to anxiety or simply increased hunger.
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